It was one like this and I thought oh great the weather is definitely getting better now. Just got home and in the back door and would you believe it torrential hail stones!! What is going on with this weather? Obviously it can't make it's mind up. Anyway following on from our Product of the Week, if you would like to attract butterflies into your garden then we do have a box of seeds that does just that. It is in our Garden's Friends Range and specifically has species that will attract butterflies. Sowing time is perfect for now and you get about 23 different species in the pack including Clover, Corn Cockle and Dill which is known to attract many caterpillars. The box is priced at £9.99 and will cover 7m2 of your garden. So why not give it a go and have some of these lovely creatures coming into your garden.
"Gifts To Make You Smile"