Sunday, 10 June 2018

Gooood Morning Everyone and it's another gorgeous day here in sunny Cumbria. Hope it is wherever you are too.  So Father's Day is just one week away and if you are in need of some inspiration then take a look at these........

 If dad's a serious gardener then he could definitely do with our wooden tool hanger, great for tidying up all his tools and priced at just £19.99.

 Now our Radius hand fork is ergonomically designed to prevent wrist strain.  Made from aluminium it is extremely light too. Priced at £12.99.

This insect hotel is alway popular.  Perfect for encouraging an array of natural pest controllers to the garden.  Priced at £19.99 take a closer look at
This urban bee nester is a bit more contemporary - suitable for non swarming solitary bees this would be a great addition to the garden.  Priced at £24.99. Find out more at

An ideal gift would be this metal dad's shed sign.  Priced at just £6.00

And after all the hard work dad does how about treating him to this ceramic I love my garden mug.  Priced at £6.00

So there are just a few ideas to help you with but we have loads more at so why not pop over, take a look and order today.

"Gifts To Make You Smile"