This is a little bit of my back garden earlier in the year. I would love to show you it now but as I said in previous blogs my camera is still poorly! Anyway, the perfect item for doing any work in your garden as I have mentioned on other occasions are our Gloves. They are really brilliant. These are our Soft n Care Flora Aqua Blue and they come in small and medium. They are a fantastic fit and perfect for sensitive work such as planting small pots etc. Priced at just £4.75 why not give them a try, you wont be disappointed. Find out more at
They come in three colours too, blue, pink and yellow and would make a great gift for any gardener. Something else for the gardener is our Gardeners Handcream. Made from rich ingredients such as multivitamins and moisturising factor, this handcream can moisten the skin and make hands smoother. It comes in a 100g pot and is just £5.99. Why not make up a little gift parcel for your gardening friends and family, a pair of our gloves, the handcream and a lovely plant that would be a great idea!!
Find our handcream on our Garden Accessories page and try it out, I'm sure you wont be disappointed.
"Gifts To Make You Smile"