Sunday, 13 October 2013

 Hello, sorry I haven't been about lately but 
things have been a bit hectic here at Ruddick
Garden Gifts.  So today we are concentrating on our feathered friends for our "Product of the Week" well "Products" actually.  If you have any of these little fellas in your gardens or birdies just like them then now is the time to start thinking about feeding them again.  The weather is getting colder and they will need to keep up their strength for the winter and here at Ruddick Garden Gifts we have 
 some fantastic bird feeders to do just that.  You will find them all on our Best For Birds page.  First up is our Apple Bird Feeder which comes in a choice of shapes - apple, circle or bird.  It is made of wood and really simple to use.  All you do is pull out the metal bar and attach an apple.  That's it!! It comes with a hook on top so it can be either hung in your garden or just left to stand.  Whichever way you choose the birds will love it.
 Each one measures 38.5x38.5x21 cm and they are priced at £4.99 each.  So no more throwing away those bad apples give them to your feathered friends, they will love them.  Next one up is our Mesh Feeder which is made of pine wood and has a zinc roof which you just lift off to fill with peanuts.  Priced at £6.99 it measures 20x10x19cm.

And finally we have my favourite, the Bread Feeder at only £3.99 it is great value and totally effective.  No more bread all over the garden, simply pop a piece of bread in between the mesh and let the birds peck away at it.

So there you have it, some great ideas for feeding the birds.  Simply go to our Best For Birds page and place your order today and your items will be with you in a couple of days.

"Gifts To Make You Smile"