Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Hello everyone and I hope you have all had a brilliant Christmas and New Year.  I know I have been quiet recently but things just got really hectic here at Ruddick Garden Gifts.  Anyway, back to normal now hopefully.  So for starters today I thought I would highlight some of our brilliant bird houses.  This Wooden Tit Box is ideal for any garden and has an attractive copper roof and hinged side door providing easy access for cleaning.  Perfect for Great Tits, Blue Tits etc. it can be found on our Best for Birds page and is priced at just £18.99.

 Then we have this rather stylish triangular Nest Box which has been made from treated wood.  You will also find it has a handy hook on the front so you can attach a bag of seed when the weather is really bad.  This again can be found on our Best for Birds page and is priced at just £9.99.

So go on why not treat your feathered friends to a new house this winter, I'm certain they would appreciate it!!

"Gifts To Make You Smile"