Wednesday, 24 December 2014

So, it's finally here - the big day is just one sleep away!!!!  All that remains is for us here at Ruddick Garden Gifts to wish each and everyone of you a very happy, peaceful Christmas and a wonderful New Year!!  And don't forget to continue shopping with us in 2015!

"Gifts To Make You Smile"

Sunday, 21 December 2014

He's watching!!!!!  With only a few days left to go he's making sure you've all been very very good!  No time now to order any of our fantastic gift ideas for the big day so I hope you all got in early and if you did order from us, I hope you were thoroughly delighted with your items when they arrived.  Hope you have a great Sunday and you're not all running round like headless chickens.  Speak again before the big day!!!

"Gifts To Make You Smile"