As the weather has gone a little bit colder again and you probably are not thinking about getting in your garden just yet, I thought today I would remind you of some of our great Indoor Gifts. For instance who could resist Mac our lovable Westie ornament. Now this can go outside but personally I would want him inside with me! He is 22cm in height and costs £44.00. Alongside him you can see our Westie plaque. This is a ceramic tile and can either be hung on the wall or left free standing. This measures 30cmx20cm and is priced at £29.99.
Or we have Baa'bara the sheep she stands at 18cm high and is priced at £44.00.
And lets not forget Ermintrude the cow who is also priced at £44.00 and measures 24cm in height. All of these and more can be found on our Inside Gifts page.
"Gifts To Make You Smile"