Happy Wednesday to all my lovelies out there! Middle of the week only two more days until the Bank Holiday weekend and early signs are that the weather is going to stay fine!!! So what will you be getting up to this weekend. I think we are going to be spending it pottering about in the garden.

Mind you the last time we did that earlier this week, this happened! A beautiful bench broken, oh dear - my fault! Anyway, I have had some lovely feedback off one of my customers who bought a pair of our Soft n Care Gardening Gloves. She said that they are the best gloves she has come across as she is able to handle her seedlings without damaging them and that they are very comfortable to wear. Brilliant! and at only £4.75 a real bargain too. They come in a choice of colours and sizes so why not have a look at our link http://www.ruddickgardengifts.co.uk/gloves/pink.html and see for yourselves. Well the sun is still shining here in Carlisle, that's two days on the trot now, is this summer? I hope so. Well enjoy the rest of your week I am having a birthday tomorrow so hopefully that will be a good day! Speak to you all later in the week and happy shopping!
"Gifts To Make You Smile"